Bruckner Society

News and Past Events

Bruckner Society of America and The Bruckner Journal Merge

Since 1997, The Bruckner Journal has remained the longest running regularly published journal in the English language devoted to Bruckner. Originally published in the UK, the editorship of The Bruckner Journal was transferred from Ken Ward in the UK to Michael Cucka in the USA in 2016. With that change in location, it became possible for the Bruckner Society and The Bruckner Journal to consider a merger of operations.

Up until now, most of the BSA's web activity was handled by John Berky, the Editor of and Executive Secretary of the Society. As the activities of the Society expanded, the practicalities of this arrangement became more challenging. And with the announcement of William Carragan's new book on the Bruckner Symphonies, the need for independence of the Society from became necessary. That has now been realized and with it came the opportunity to merge the Bruckner Society with The Bruckner Journal, thus making The Bruckner Journal the print arm of the Bruckner Society as "Chord and Discord" used to be from 1932 until 1998.

A new Bruckner Society of America website is underconstruction and will be jointly edited by John Berky and Michael Cucka.